My Favorite Little Camera
People often ask me "what's the best camera?" I tell them the best camera is the one that you have. I personally own about 5 cameras, a mixture of digital, film, and polaroid cameras. I love each one of my cameras because each one serves a purpose. If I have to choose though I would have to say its my fuji x100. I mean come on look at it?!

Not only is its retro aesthetics pleasing but it is also a solid performer. It is so compact that you wouldn't hesitate to bring it anywhere. It's super silent leaf shutter prove to be unobtrusive, so your subject wont even notice you have taken the shot. It has definitely reignited my love for photography. As my DSLR kit grew, also did its weight. I became hesitant to bring it anywhere since it is so bulky. I always get stares while shooting with my DSLR, cause it screams "PRO!" to people. Since my x100 looks like a film camera people don't really pay attention to it as much.

I have pimped mine out to my liking and I am in love with it. Here are the extras I added to the x100:
Aftermarket lens hood
Convex shutter button (Teal)
Leather half case
Here are some sample shots with the Fuji x100: