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Face Everything And Rise. This may sound weird from somebody that grew up in a country that's basically a group of 7,107 islands that are surrounded by water. I cant swim. I can float but I ain't going anywhere and I cant float for too long. A long time friend invited me to go kayaking, so I told the bro "yes!" while my stomach turns over with fear. The night before I was thinking of scenarios that might happen. What if I flip over? What if my camera gets wet? What if I need to go number one or number two while in the middle of the Potomac river. I finally decided to sleep and say screw it I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Went to my friends house to help him load the kayaks on top of his jeep. Also we had to put Lulu(my friends dog) in her cage cause she will probably tear the house to pieces of left alone.

We decided to go to the Virginia side of the Potomac river as a starting point. At this point theres no turning back. I was excited but really scared at the same time. I had a life vest but still I was afraid.

As I look down at the water I told myself "This is it! Fear is temporary, regret lasts forever." You never want to regret anything in life. I want to be able to say to myself I regret nothing and did everything that I wanted. I finally got into the kayak and paddled into open water, all the fear is gone and there was just peace and quiet. Here are some photos of my friend fishing:

Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy life. Take chances cause the fears we don't face becomes our limit. Be limitless people.

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